Quest:Chapter 4: Heart of Stone

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Quest: Chapter 4: Heart of Stone

Description: The rubbing you made showed runes of a foul nature, written in the Black Speech, which Corunir is not well-versed in; however, he was able to make out something about the "heart" of the stone.

Category: Epic - Book VI: Fires in the North

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 45

Hdg bestower.gif

'These runes are of an Elvish mode, but the language is the Black Speech, in which I am not well-versed. But I do know a little and can see that these runes speak of a "heart" located within the stone.

'Perhaps if I could study one of the stone-hearts, a way to undo the spell upon them can be found. There are some lifeless stones east of here from which you may collect such a heart, without fear.

'Bring me a stone-heart as quickly as you may, so that we may be done with our duty.'