Quest:A Deathly Task

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Quest: A Deathly Task

Description: Eastern Haudh Lin suffers from a worse threat than spiders; dread wights stalk the ancient mounds of the Edain, animated by evil fell spirits.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 14

Hdg bestower.gif

'The spider threat should be lessened now that you have intervened, but I am afraid there is a worse problem still.

'Eastern Haudh Lin is home to some ancient burial mounds of the Edain, the Men who lived here in a past age. We have received reports of evil wights stalking these barrows and mounds. Such creatures are mere corpses animated by fell spirits, not the relicts of the spirits of Men. As such, they are irredeemably evil, and it is our duty to exterminate them without compunction. I do not know why these creatures are abroad in these dark days, but I suspect some working of the Enemy.

'Be that as it may, I ask you to destroy the bodies of these evil creatures, and send their spirits back to the Shadow from whence they came.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Laergil's Hooded Cloak

Unknown icon.png Laergil's Mace