Quest:Sickening of the Land

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Quest: Sickening of the Land

Description: The tranquility and protection of Duillond, the Elf-refuge, does not reach so far north as Haudh Lin and foul creatures have begun to creep into that place of peace.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 13

Hdg bestower.gif

'This land has been sullied before by the dwarves and their keep on the hill and more recently by half-orcs and crebain. Now wicked spiders have entered the land, slaughtering the wildlife and endangering travellers.

'Thankfully, these evil creatures have so far only been found in the furthest northeast reaches of Haudh Lin, but these lands would be better for their absence.

'Seek out the evil spiders and drive them from their lairs in Haudh Lin.'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Blueberry Muffins

Unknown icon.png Bronweolf