Quest:A Curious Number of Bears

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Quest: A Curious Number of Bears

Description: Parr Chopley has decided that he will make do with some delicious bear-steaks instead, since Evendim seems to have a striking absence of boars.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 37

Hdg bestower.gif

'Well, we must not let life's day to day upsets get to us, (your name). There may not be boars in Evendim, but they say there are a great number of bears throughout the hills of Tyrn Fornech, and especially at Nan Orngon to the east.

'Bear-steaks, while still delicious, are certainly no match for a sizzling boar-steak. My friend Ronald Dwale once went on at great length about the similarities between those two words, you know, "boar" and "bear," but I must confess that I do not share his same love for words. Words are often an inconvenience and get in the way when you are trying to express get to the real meat of an idea, if you will.

'The meat in question here, for example, is certainly a choice cut of bear-meat! Bring me back several cuts, and I will share them with some of my neighbours. There will be a bit of coin in it for you, as well, and we can mourn the absence of boar over a delicious bear-steak. How does that sound?'

Hdg rewards.gif

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Chopley's Hat

Unknown icon.png Chopley's Hands

Unknown icon.png Steak Tenderizer