Quest:A Striking Absence of Boar

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Quest: A Striking Absence of Boar

Description: Parr Chopley let his stomach lead him too far, wandering the northern ways into Evendim, where he chanced upon the rough town of Ost Forod. Nevertheless, he has not let it daunt him. He is in the mood for a nice, hearty boar-steak, but he is concerned that he hasn't seen any boars in all of Evendim.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 36

Hdg bestower.gif

'Well, another stranger to this town! Now I'm not the only one! My stomach is always getting me into trouble, and this is no exception. I was in the mood for a nice, thick boar-steak -- cooked to perfection, sizzling in its own juices -- and so I decided to go hunting in the North Moors. Well, I went a little further than planned and wound up here! Never knew anyone lived in this place...they say it's haunted!

'Well, anyway, I decided I never had Evendim-boar before, so I thought I might as well try some while I'm should have been a simple matter of finding a nice, healthy boar, but you know what? I haven't seen a single boar since I've come here! That can't be right. How do people up here manage without plenty of boars to satisfy their cravings for delicious steaks? That's just unnatural!

'There have to be boars in Evendim; there just have to be! Go look for boars, (your name), and don't come back until you've searched high and you've searched low! I'm not interested in boar-meat from other places, either; it's Evendim or nothing! Now it's a matter of professional responsibility and curiosity -- find me an Evendim-boar, and find one quick!'