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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: Chapter 9: The Diary of Sara Oakheart

Description: You have recovered the diary of Sara Oakheart, and it may contain the secret to Narchuil's location.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'Listen to this, (your name):

"L fears the worst. I will carry out his wishes by breaking the keys to Sithad -- the stones of Tâl Bruinen are heavy and will serve -- and hiding them."

'I do not know where Sithad may be, but it sounds as if Laerdan was keeping this "N," Narchuil, within its walls, and at some point Sara broke the keys to this place and hid them. And look at this, further in:

"...must stand at the stairs of Sithad, looking up towards the entrance. Turn to the left and walk forward to the wall, and then turn right and follow the curve until you see four pillars through two pillars. Walk between the two and look to the right of the four. I will leave the keys always in the shade."

'I wonder now if Sithad is not an antiquated name for a place we already know, (your name)? Language changes over time, and Laerdan has lived for many years; the name by which he knows one place may not be that which it is called by others. As I say the names aloud, it comes to me that Sithad bears something of a resemblance to Delossad, does it not?

'I think we have deciphered the first part of the riddle, friend (your race)! Go to Delossad and use the journal to locate the hidden keys of which Sara has written. I am sure it is the place!'