Quest:Worms On the Heights

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Quest: Worms On the Heights

Description: Daervellas has asked for your help in dealing with the worms of Cirith Ulunn, which threaten all of Tâl Bruinen.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 42

Hdg bestower.gif

'Have you seen them, traveller, the worms that crawl throughout the woods and crags of Tâl Bruinen? They are born in the rocks high to the east of Echad Candelleth. Their sire is Sarlug, a most vile creature, and their dam is Sarnemil, ferocious and protective.

'I sought to end their reign of this area once, but I was alone and could not finish them -- I rue now the decision that made me take flight, but I thought them grievously wounded, unable to cause more harm. I was wrong. Their wormlings have now matured, and more are on the way. Soon, Tâl Bruinen will be overrun with the creatures.

'I would be grateful if you would finish what I began, traveller. Cirith Ulunn is directly to the east of Echad Candelleth, but it is tucked amid the high mountains; you cannot reach it from the valley of the Bruinen. Instead, travel to the north-east, along the slopes that hug the eastern arm of the mountains. When you are high up, travel then to the south, into Cirith Ulunn. Sarlug you will find there, but Sarnemil will likely flee. West of Cirith Ulunn, on the very edge of the cliffs, a single monument rises from the earth. Stand there on the cliff-edge, and look into the distance: you will likely see in which direction Sarnemil has fled. Return to me when you know this, have defeated Sarlug, and have also thinned the numbers of the rock-worms.'