Quest:What Was Lost

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Quest: What Was Lost

Description: Toronn desires to leave Middle-earth, while Bregar, his brother, believes they should remain. Bregar had you bring a leaf from a tree he and Toronn had grown from a seed brought from their home of old. Toronn has decided to answer in kind, evoking memories of the past.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 7

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'If Bregar wishes to evoke memories of the past to sway my decision, then I will respond in kind.

'There is a burial mound within the ruins of Dol Ringwest to the west of Duillond. On the cairn you will find a broken sword. Bring the sword to Bregar...but treat it with reverence and do not disturb the area around it.

'The time has come for us to pass into the West. The Age of Man has come, and Middle-earth is no longer home to us.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Bregar's Blade