Quest:Weakening the Tide

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Quest: Weakening the Tide

Description: A great host of Orcs spilled through Ram Dúath, driving the Men of the North Downs from their farms. Esteldín, home of the few remaining Dúnedain of the North, was spared discovery. It is from there that the Rangers begin to plan their counter-offensive against the black tide of Angmar.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 34

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'The Orcs of Dol Dínen have weapons greater than their siege-engines. We have learned that there are some among them who have dabbled in fell sorcery.

'We know that there have been Orcs, unseen by any Ranger before, keeping watch beyond the siege-engines, deep within the encampment, and they are not great in number. If these are the sorcerers that we have heard of, they must be destroyed.

'Do not attempt this task alone, $PLAYER$. Take allies if you intend to engage these foul creatures.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Hithlim's Kite Shield