Quest:Waste Near Gath Forthnir

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Quest: Waste Near Gath Forthnir

Description: You have been encouraged to learn the lay of the waste that is East Angmar, so you may better find your way to Gath Forthnír when needed.

Category: Hunter

Quest Level: 48

Required Classes: Hunter

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'You are a skilled hunter, (your name), keen of eye and fleet of foot, but the wastes of East Angmar are perilous for even one so adept.

'You would do well to speak with Maerchiniath, a Ranger staying at the hidden camp of Gath Forthnír, in East Angmar. He will be able to tell you of the secret paths through the waste, such that you will be able to lead your fellowship quickly to Gath Forthnír if the need arises.

'But be prepared, for Maerchiniath will expect proof of your abilities before he teaches you anything.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Guide to East Angmar

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Cunning Lure Trap

Unknown icon.png Improved Tripwire