Quest:Thinning the Horde

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Quest: Thinning the Horde

Description: The Hillman called Donaith is concerned about the Orcs in the vicinity of Urugarth.

Category: Urugarth

Quest Level: 49

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'It sickens me to know that my people are threatened by the Evil Ones. And what can I do about it? In my youth, perhaps...but time and the rigours of travel across Rammas Deluon have robbed me of my vigour.

'Ah, but you are strong and brave, yes? Brave enough to stand against the Orcs and thin out their accursed ranks?

'Travel to their fortifications to the west. There, in a place called Urugarth, you will find your share of Orcs. Any blow we strike against the False King will help my people survive to see another day.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Daenam

Unknown icon.png Donaith's Longsword