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Quest: The Wisdom of the Thrushes
Description: Dwalin wants to know where the Dourhands went with the stolen gold and wonders if the thrushes of the Vale of Thráin might have seen something.
Category: Epic - Prologue
'We need to find out where the Dourhand burglars took the gold they stole from our treasury, $PLAYER$, and I believe I know just how to do it.
'The thrushes of the Vale of Thráin have long served as the eyes of Durin's Folk in the air. If the Dourhands tried moving the stolen gold from Thorin's Hall, as they must have, one of the thrushes would surely have seen them.
'Nos Grimsong is a friend of the thrushes who has long been loyal to the Lonely Mountain, and he understands their language. You will likely find Nos at the thrush nesting grounds in the Vale of Thráin, just south of Thorin's Hall and west off the road. Go there and find out if the birds had anything to say about our Dourhand burglars.'
Dwalin's Short Robe
Dwalin's Leggings