Quest:The Twisted Heart

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Quest: The Twisted Heart

Description: Longbough believes that some evil power may be twisting the wood to dark ends.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 40

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'Hoom! From the blighted branches you brought to me, I have divined much. There was once an ancient tree in the southern forest whom I was once well acquainted with, but after the destruction wrought upon the forest during the wars long ago, it became withdrawn and would speak with me no more...even though my own despair at the acts of Men was nearly as great.

'Now it seems that the Wood-trolls -- particularly this one called Heart-rot -- have whispered long to the Huorn in its slumber and re-awakened it under their thrall. Its heart is now black and twisted with their malice, and it will suffer no living thing of flesh in its domain. Hom! Ta-room! Were that all that had transpired, I would pay it less heed, for the Twisted Heart's folly is its own, but now its roots run deep and far, ever grasping and twisting the trees that they touch, and the Wood-trolls will follow in its wake. I cannot allow the Twisted Heart to warp the entire forest to its will. We must stand against it and fell both it and the vile troll that has corrupted it.

'Gather your companions, for the Twisted Heart's power has grown fell, and I fear it will be all we can do to face it in the place of its greatest strength, but we have no choice! Ta-rum! Hoom! Speak with me again when you are ready to leave.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Ferth-feld

Unknown icon.png Twisted Heart's Ruin

Unknown icon.png Victory over the Twisted Heart

Unknown icon.png Mirdram

Unknown icon.png Longbough's Staff