Quest:The Troll-keeper
Quest: The Troll-keeper Description: Thaliollang believes that Lachenn had tried to write "Angmar" on the back of his ornament and takes it as a sign that it is an emissary of Angmar that had stirred the Stone-trolls. Category: North Downs Quest Level: 33
'Lachenn left us a message, (your name). He tried to write the name "Angmar" on his ornament even as he lay broken and dying at the hands of Gurmagath. That explains Lagorlam's tale of strange North-men lingering near the caves of Taur Gonwaith. He would have assayed these strangers further but his fury was on him and his thoughts were of fair Lachenn and the trolls that did him harm. It is clear some dark evil out of Angmar has come to Meluinen and stirred the Stone-trolls!
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