Quest:The Third Gear

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Quest: The Third Gear

Description: Bávor is an artificer tasked with repairing the great lock which opens access to the fabled Vault of the Mountain.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 10

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'I'm not sure yet how that second gear fits into this contraption, but that is not your concern. I need you to get out there and find that third gear.

'The third missing gear was placed in a chest hidden in Emyn Hoedh, the old barrows of the Edain in Haudh Lin, north-east of Gondamon. I'm not sure exactly where it is, but it's said to be in the ruins of an ancient crypt.

'Be wary, though! I've heard rumour that barrow-wights roam those lands.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Bávor's Boots

Unknown icon.png Túrchathol