Quest:The Sword of Gondor

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Quest: The Sword of Gondor

Description: With the recovery of the swords of Arvedui and Rhudaur, Nethraw has become more confident that the remaining swords may be found.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 48

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'The third sword is called the Sword of Gondor. Of the host that fought the Witch-king at Fornost, many were knights and men-at-arms of Gondor, led by Eärnur, Prince of Gondor. One doughty knight, whose name has been lost, would not be outdone by the knights of Arthedain, and vowed to keep a vigil along with them.

'According to the tale, his watch-tower was at a place not far from here, called Maethad. Unfortunately, this place is infested with evil trolls, and worse, by the mighty Gertheryg, who are fearsome masters of arms.

'It would be all but impossible for you to venture into Maethad on your own, so if you would seek the third sword, I would counsel you to venture to the evil place only with stout companions.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Rendirthail

Unknown icon.png Tirithol