Quest:The Strength of the Smith, Part IV

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Quest: The Strength of the Smith, Part IV

Description: Your skill with forge and anvil is well-honed, and the weapons you fashion upon them are exemplary for their kind.

Category: Crafting

Scope: Crafting Advancement

Quest Level: 40

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'You have done well, (your name), and have exceeded my own not inconsiderable skill! And still, as skilful as you are, there are techniques beyond your reach, practices in the craft you have not yet made your own.

'Tralli Hammerfist, master weaponsmith of Ered Luin, may be able to fill in the few gaps that remain in your weaponcrafting education. I have not known him to take many students, though.

'Look for him at the Northern Barricade of Rath Teraig in the Blue Mountains. The struggle against the goblins of that place occupy his mind, and it could be that instructing a pupil will divert his thoughts momentarily from the goblin problem.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Fist of the Dwarves


Craft Weaponsmith Complete Proficiency Tier 4