Quest:The Scout Becomes the Hunter

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Quest: The Scout Becomes the Hunter

Description: Your assessment of the goblin camp in Annúndir has given hope to the Ranger Amarion, and now he believes you can strike a blow against the goblins.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 22

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'Your report has given me hope that the goblins can be driven from Annúndir, (your name). If you can defeat enough goblins, the people here could be back on their own land within a fortnight!

'Defeat the goblins in the hills of Annúndir, (your name), and teach them a lesson they will not soon forget: the Free Peoples will not let their evil plans come to fruition!

'Go with the good will of the Free Peoples of the North Downs.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Skotskold

Unknown icon.png Medliron

Unknown icon.png Amarion's Necklace