Quest:The Oathbreakers

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Quest: The Oathbreakers

Description: In the days of King Arvedui, last king at Fornost, a company of the king's men betrayed their oaths to Arthedain, allowing Fornost to fall to the armies of Angmar. Arvedui cursed these men to never know rest until they had fulfilled their oaths.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 25

Hdg bestower.gif

'In the days of the war against Angmar a thousand years ago, a group of King Arvedui's men forsook his call to arms. Arvedui cursed these men, saying they should know no rest until they fulfilled their duty. To this day, they have walked the Fields of Fornost, tormented by their failings.

'The time has come for these shades to be free at last. Assemble your allies and seek out the Oathbreaker-captain. He can be found beneath the very walls of Fornost, north-east of here by some old, broken ruins of Arthedain.

'Beware, though; his was a fell fate, and he may not be friendly to those who remind him of his foresworn oaths.'