Quest:The Missing Guard

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Quest: The Missing Guard

Description: Unnarr, Captain of the Guard at Thorin's Hall, was informed that one of the armouries had been left unguarded.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 6

Hdg bestower.gif

'The news I have received is most unsettling, (your name). One of the armouries has been left unguarded! Vitharr has been a stalwart and dependable guard until now, but he has apparently abandoned his post! Outrageous!

'I want you to investigate the unguarded treasury and confirm that Vitharr is not there. If anything is missing, I'll have his armour! He was next in line for commendation, but after this he won't see any praise for thirty years!

'The Arming-cave is to the north-west, very near to the great statue of Thorin carved in the mountain. Go there and look for Vitharr.'