Quest:The Lost Statue

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Quest: The Lost Statue

Description: Robin Dunkley has given you the statue of Elendil he remade from the pieces you brought him during your time in Ost Forod.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 38

Hdg bestower.gif

'(your name)! I had not thought to see you again so soon, but I am glad indeed to have been mistaken. In point of fact, it seems that a fortuitous wind has brought you here to me on this day, for I have good news: I have finished remaking the statue of Elendil you brought to me in pieces!

'You say you know from whence this statue came? How wonderful! You would do well to return it to its rightful place, (your name)!

'I will give you the statue and trust you to bring it to the pedestal on which it once stood. Tyl Ruinen, you say? Very well! Go carefully, and let us set right what the robbers of Evendim have despoiled!'