Quest:The Great Beast

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Quest: The Great Beast

Description: The strange hill-beasts have become a serious problem of late. It seems that they are ruled by a secretive matriarch who serves the drakes. If she can be defeated, perhaps the threat of the hill-beasts will fade.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 43

Hdg bestower.gif

'These hill-beasts are growing more and more dangerous. We have heard that their leader is a matriarch of their kind, secretive and cunning, who in turn serves the drakes. If we can lure out this beast-mother and defeat her, the other hill-beasts may be cowed or routed.

'We know that these beasts greatly prize roasted crawler-flesh. I would ask you first to hunt crawlers in the area, bring their flesh back to me to be roasted, and then take the meat out to the hill-beast lairs where we may draw out this mother of the beasts.

'Beware though -- while the crawlers are no great threat, the matriarch may be a foe beyond the power of any lone warrior to overcome.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Gillinn

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Taraghlan's Greatsword

Unknown icon.png Ferollos

Unknown icon.png Winter Cloak

Unknown icon.png Emerthdail