Quest:The Founder's Book

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Quest: The Founder's Book

Description: Marla Shelton is concerned that the history of Trestlebridge may be lost because the Founder's Book has been stolen by Orcs.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 23

Hdg bestower.gif

'Oh, maybe you can help me. Since time out of mind, our town treasure has been a book, the Founder's Book, that tells of the early years of Trestlebridge, many generations ago. That book has gone missing!

'There's a big Orc encampment to the east of town now. It may be that they have the book there still. I know it's foolish to think of a book at a time like this, but I can't help worrying about it. The Orcs stole many things from us when they raided the town, and the book is likely still in one of the crates they stole.

'I wonder if you can possibly help get that book back for us?'