Quest:The Finest Melody is Understanding

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Quest: The Finest Melody is Understanding

Description: You inspire the Free Peoples with your songs of hope and your tales of heroism, a renowned minstrel of talent and bravery.

Category: Minstrel

Quest Level: 50

Required Classes: Minstrel

Hdg bestower.gif

'(your name), you have become a minstrel of such talent that you have surpassed whatever I might once have taught you. I thank you now for the privilege of aiding you then. It has been an honour, and I will sing of you that the people will know what greatness can come from even a humble beginning.

'There are few now from whom you might learn that which you do not know...Baillindiel, perhaps. She might wish to speak with you.

'I have heard that she is staying now at Celondim, the Elf-harbour in Ered Luin. Seek her out and speak with her, for I am sure she would enjoy meeting you.'