Quest:The Fifth Gear

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Quest: The Fifth Gear

Description: Bávor is an artificer tasked with repairing the great lock which opens access to the fabled Vault of the Mountain.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 14

Hdg bestower.gif

'This wretched gear won't fit. I'm guessing the fifth gear goes here, and the fourth atop it. Blast! Such art is lost, yet I must make it work! Ah well, I am keeping you from your labours with my complaining.

'The fifth missing gear was placed in a chest hidden in the woods in eastern Haudh Lin, north and east of Kheledûl. However, a brood of vicious spiders have made the place their lair.

'It will be a challenge to find the chest without running afoul of the vile creatures.'