Quest:The Errant Coinpurse

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Quest: The Errant Coinpurse

Description: Lolo wants to resume Burl Beeman's profitable trade between Combe and Staddle, but a Neekerbreeker ran off with his pack and the coinpurse therein.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 7

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'While I was trying to sell some of my wares to the farms east of Staddle, a Neekerbreeker got into my waggon here and made off with my pack! I expect it probably dragged it out to the Midgewater Marshes to eat my lunch.

'The problem is that my coinpurse was in that pack, which means I can't buy pipe-weed to trade to Burl. Worse, if I don't get it back within the next half an hour, I am sure to miss out on the good prices of pipe-weed down in Staddle!

'You've got to find the Neekerbreeker that stole my pack and bring it back to me in the next thirty minutes, $PLAYER$!'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Wendingway's Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Wendingway's Club