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Quest: Swamp-dweller

Description: The brimstone swamp of Malenhad is also home to a terrible breed of beast, which the Hillmen call the "Ancient Ironscale".

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 44

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'So, Southron, you have proved yourself more than worthy to hunt in the brimstone swamp of Malenhad. Perhaps you wish to gain even more glory? There is prey in this swamp that is too dangerous even for we who have hunted these swamps since time out of mind.

'I speak of the dreaded Ancient Ironscale, a monster so deadly that none of my people have ever faced it...and survived to tell the tale of it.

'I think it will be impossible for one southron, however doughty, to defeat such a foe, but even were you able, with companions, to kill this beast, I would be forced to admit you are true hunters and warriors of renown. The Ancient Ironscale is a rare beast, but it can sometimes be found amongst its lesser brethren in the swamp.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png The Judge's Axe

Unknown icon.png Othran's Hood

Unknown icon.png Methronn