Quest:Supplies for Clorhir

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Quest: Supplies for Clorhir

Description: The Rangers have taken the court of Clorhir in front of the pools of Glinghant.

Category: Evendim

Quest Level: 50

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'Victory is ours this day, (your name): the Dúnedain have taken the court of Clorhir. The entrance to the pools of Glinghant is ours.

'However, we are sure to lose this foothold if we cannot supply them! I want you to bring a crate of supplies to Harthadril at Clorhir. She will be grateful for the delivery. Just pick up one of the crates from this stack, and carry it to Harthadril.

'Return to me once you have done this, but be warned: you would best bring some strong allies to safeguard you as you carry the crate. The Angmarim will try to prevent our resupply of Clorhir if they can.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Athelas Extract

Unknown icon.png Arnorian Armour Fragments