Quest:Scouting the Ram Dúath

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Quest: Scouting the Ram Dúath

Description: Orcs stormed out of the Ram Dúath and swept across the North Downs. After their passage, Hillmen out of Angmar came through the pass and encamped beyond the cliff faces and treacherous paths.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 31

Hdg bestower.gif

'$PLAYER$, we have need of your assistance. As you are aware, Orcs attacked the North Downs in force, driving farmers from their homes and burning the lands to the south-east. While our attention was turned to the Orcs, we did not notice the Hillmen who came after.

'We are preparing to strike against Angmar, but we are spread so thinly in the North Downs that we cannot fully determine the threat the Hillmen of Angmar pose.

'We need you to scout the Hillman-encampment to the north-east for us. From that camp, head west until you find an outcropping of strange spiny rocks. The pass continues to the north-west of these rocks. We need to know what you find at both places.'