Quest:Return to the Barrow-downs

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Quest: Return to the Barrow-downs

Description: Newbold Leafcutter wants to solve the mystery of why there are wights in the Barrow-downs and has asked you to return there.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 16

Hdg bestower.gif

'It seems to me the only way to solve the mystery of these wights is to uncover more lore. Unfortunately, the only place such lore can be found hereabouts is in the Barrow-downs itself!

'I hate to ask this of you, but would you return to the Barrow-downs and search for this lore? Such things go far beyond an old man's idle interests. It may well aid Bree!

'Here, take this pick-axe. This time, you will have to dig for the lore. The axe's tip has been blunted, so your digging shouldn't cause any damage to any fragments you uncover. Try digging at the entrances to the barrows of Taradan, Orron and Ringdor. I believe those barrows lie in the north of the Barrow-downs.'