Quest:Restoring the Balance
Quest: Restoring the Balance Description: The lynx that prowl Thorin's Gate are too many for the land to support. They attack travellers and the thrushes, long-time friends of the dwarves. Category: Ered Luin Quest Level: 2
'Blast those Dourhands! They're supposed to be out hunting, but I see nary a one of them out there! There are too many lynx and not enough food to go around. Worse still, our friends, the thrushes, are falling prey to the beasts! We can't stand by and do nothing, so I'm asking you to go out on a hunting expedition for us.
'The Dourhands do nothing to stem the growth of the lynx in this area. No surprise, to be honest. Despite their newfound ties to their cousins, the Longbeards, the Dourhands are the same dwarves that Skorgrím led against Edhelion centuries ago. We cannot expect them to be proper stewards of the land.
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