Quest:Raid: Thorog Defeated

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Quest: Raid: Thorog Defeated

Description: Greip and Sigrun have seen the unthinkable: the great dragon Thorog has returned to life and makes his perch once more upon the walls of Helegrod.

Category: Helegrod

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'I know not how it has happened, (your name), but Thorog has been returned to life through some foul craft! Sigrun and I have seen him, with our own eyes, perched atop the walls of Helegrod like an evil memory given hateful shape.

'So long as the beast lives, the honour of the dwarves is tarnished; both Durin and Mírdanant are lost and cannot rid us of this scourge.

'I do not know if you have allies to rival Durin's great company of old, but it will take many stout hearts to best evil Thorog. If he can be drawn from his perch atop Helegrod, you must do what you can to defeat him, or all the lands will be threatened.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Athelas Extract

Unknown icon.png Pure Celebrant Ointment


Doom of Thorog Reborn