Quest:Raid: The Long Reach of Angmar

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Quest: Raid: The Long Reach of Angmar

Description: Elrohir is troubled by the presence of Angmarim in Helegrod, the old dwarf-city in the mountains north of Rivendell.

Category: Helegrod

Quest Level: 50

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'Elladan has told me of the Corcur in Helegrod, (your name), and that they have likely sworn fealty to Angmar. This union can bring nothing but hardship to the people of the mountains and to my people in Imladris.

'We must combat the Angmarim before they can prepare their full strength. Helegrod was a city of riches before the dragon came, and even after Thorog was laid low, the dwarves could not reclaim it. I do not doubt that its deepest vaults still contain weapons and devices that might be turned to the service of evil.

'The Angmarim of Helegrod surely carry the signs of their servitude: emblems twisted into evil shape by foul craft. Bring these emblems to me and I will rid the world of them. We will strike a blow against Angmar and its latest fastness by depriving its people of their tokens.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Nestadgaim

Unknown icon.png Lith-mundar

Unknown icon.png Gloves of Healing


Enemy of Angmar