Quest:Question the Prisoner

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Quest: Question the Prisoner

Description: The traitor, Calder Cob, refuses to speak with the gullible jailor, Ned Pruner, until he has some bilberry cakes.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 3

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'You're the one what helped discover that old Calder here was a traitor, ain't ye? Ye have me thanks for that, friend! I was just talking to my Peg about that. You're quite a hero!

'Calder here could probably tell us a lot about what them Blackwolds are planning, if only he'd talk. Thing is, he's refusing to talk until he gets some better food, and he wants bilberry cakes. But me Peg don't have no bilberries to make the cakes.

'Could you maybe go out and pick a few piles of bilberries from the bushes near the Hunters' Lodge? The lodge lies at the end of the road leading east from Archet's gates. If I could just get some cakes, maybe then Calder would talk!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Lesser Celebrant Salve