Quest:Prospector of Angmar

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Quest: Prospector of Angmar

Description: Bothwar the dwarf-miner is seeking news of any gem-bearing rock.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 47

Hdg bestower.gif

'I can offer you some more work if you're interested. There are many possible gem-bearing lodes in Gorothlad that we have not yet found. If you like, you could take a pick-axe and go out to the area north and west of Maethad and see if you can find anything worthwhile.

'I'll give you a pick-axe suitable for taking samples out of the hard, gem-bearing rock. Any rocky outcropping in the whole area south of the Arena might be suitable, so it might take a while to find a good spot.

'I've noticed that the cave-claws seem to gather around gem-bearing rocks, if that's any help.'