Quest:Pansy Tunnelly's Tale

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Quest: Pansy Tunnelly's Tale

Description: Wilcome Tunnelly in Scary is concerned about something his sister Pansy saw out on the Greenfields.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 10

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'My sister Pansy is a good sort, but she can be rather excitable. When she gets an idea in her head, it stays there, no matter how silly it might be, and before you know it, she's convinced half the Shire that it's true.

'She saw something out on the Greenfields the other day, and she thinks...well, maybe you'd better talk to her about it. Folk have seen goblins on the edges of the Shire, but this...try and talk some sense into her for me, will you?

'You'll find her wandering around the town square here in Scary, stirring the folk, I shouldn't wonder.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Lesser Essence of Athelas

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Primstone's Shirt

Unknown icon.png Primstone's Shoes