Quest:Old Bauman's Farm

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Quest: Old Bauman's Farm

Description: The Blackwold brigands seized Old Bauman's farm during the early days of their uprising.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 8

Hdg bestower.gif

'Have you heard that Archet gave them Blackwold villains what-for? Kicked 'em right out, they did, and good on 'em! If little old Archet can manage it, I say Combe can do one better, and sweep them Blackwolds out o' the Chetwood for good!

'Now I lost my Sally's chain when them brigands took over my farm. She's been gone for many a year, but that chain always did bring me comfort. One o' them Blackwolds probably picked it up, and I want it back! Farm's far to the east -- just follow the road past all them brigand campfires.

'Eh, what's that? No, it's a chain, not a necklace. What a queer question.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pork Sausage

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Cooked Carrots

Unknown icon.png Eggs and Onions