Quest:Oakheart's Plight

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Quest: Oakheart's Plight

Description: You have found a familiar face as a prisoner within Garth Agarwen: the strange old woman, Sara Oakheart.

Category: Garth Agarwen

Quest Level: 32

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'It is a great and wonderous thing that you have rescued me, (your name). I had feared I would be lost here forever.

'I'm not sure that I can make it out on my own. Do you think you could help me get to the front gates of Garth Agarwen?

'Perhaps if you follow me, I can find a way out of this maze.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Oakheart's Feather

Unknown icon.png Oakheart's Leggings

Unknown icon.png Oakheart's Shoulder Guards

Unknown icon.png Oakheart's Dagger