Quest:Notice of the First Marshal

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Quest: Notice of the First Marshal

Description: Having assisted the Free Peoples in their battle against the war host of Angmar, you have earned much respect. First Marshal's throughout the Ettenmoors authorised the rewards from Quartermaster Ash at Glân Vraig.

Category: Ettenmoors

Quest Level: 50

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'Apparently everything that you have done out here has not gone unnoticed. Despite protests against offering you more rewards, the First Marshals have issued a writ saying that I must offer rewards to those who have proven worthy of the honour.

'Now this brings us to the question that is burning in that primitive little brain of yours: 'How do I prove my worth?' Simple answer for a simpleton; bring me tokens of valour and it will do much towards proving your worth.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Key of the First Marshal