Quest:Mutual Dislike

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Quest: Mutual Dislike

Description: Tensions between the Elves of Duillond and the Dwarves of Gondamon are escalating because of Avorthal's abduction. Mathi Stouthand is afraid that there will be war if his people try to rescue the Elf-prince and fail.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 11

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'That Elf-woman is stiff-necked and suspicious. She does not recognize the difference between Durin's Folk and the Dourhands. If my dwarves attempt to rescue her Elf-prince and fail, she will assume that we are in league with the Dourhands and call for war upon my people.

'What we need is someone trusted by Elves and dwarves alike to this attempt. There is a Man, a Ranger out of the Wilds in the east, who has assisted both of our kindreds at sundry times. He is masterful in the art of hunting and stealth.

'Seek the Ranger Langlas at the hunter's lodge to the east of here. I only hope he will accept this responsibility.'