Quest:Mourning the Dead

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Quest: Mourning the Dead

Description: Gail Catchpole's father perished in the flames of The Mad Badger Inn, and many of their belongings were stolen by the Blackwold brigands.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 9

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'I'm sorry, my mind is miles away. I didn't see you there. Did you help fight off the brigands? My dad did, he...he....' Gail chokes back a sob.

'During the Blackwolds' raid on Archet, someone broke into our house and stole many of our things. I don't care about most of them, but they took my dad's favourite fishing pole! I don't care if I get anything else back, but he wouldn't have wanted some filthy brigand to have it.

'Now that I've moved here to Combe, I've been meaning to ask Constable Wren if she could track down that fishing pole for me. Could you ask her if she has any idea where it might have been taken? She'll be at the guard-house on the hill east of Combe.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Catchpole's Helm

Unknown icon.png Catchpole's Club