Quest:Mistress of Shadows

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Quest: Mistress of Shadows

Description: You have assisted the Earthkin scout, but the morroval-threat remains, endangering the Earth-kin and all else who dwell in the hills of Angmar.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 44

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'You are a proven friend to our people, but what I ask of you now may be too much. There is a cave in this very place where the merrevail make their lair, and in this cave dwells their leader, a bloody-handed creature we have heard the Orcs call the Mistress of Shadows.

'The merrevail are cruel and vicious, worse even than the Orcs and the evil Men of Carn Dûm. They will continue to prey on us if we do not fight them. I ask you to enter this cave and to destroy this Mistress of Shadows. If she falls, then perhaps the others will leave Ram Dúath and return to whatever foul place in Angmar it is that spawned them.

'These evil things have slain many of the Suuri-lehmä...I think you should take friends with you if you go there.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Estelphadanir

Unknown icon.png Fall of the Mistress

Unknown icon.png Tuokki's Shoulder Guards