Quest:Mincham's Dream

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Quest: Mincham's Dream

Description: Mincham has described troubled dreams he has had of late. He believes a fell spirit, an evil creature from the darkness, is impersonating his dead wife.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 28

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'I must tell you my story, no matter how painful it may be. Of late, I have had terrible dreams of my dead wife. These are dreams I know by my lore not to be the nightmares of a fevered mind, but something far more sinister.

'I know well my wife's spirit could not linger in Middle-earth, but there are far worse things than shades in these fields. There are fell spirits, creatures out of deepest darkness, summoned in the days of Morgoth. One such spirit has despoiled my wife's grave. I call her Olnathron, for she disturbs my dreams.

'I do not trust myself in the presence of even a semblance of my wife, so I must ask you to fight this creature for me. From my dreams, I believe you will find her somewhere to the west of my wife's grave, a place where many of these dark creatures wander.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Vorth-leggar

Unknown icon.png Olnathron's Destruction

Unknown icon.png Olnathron's End