Quest:Michel Delving Craft-fair

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Quest: Michel Delving Craft-fair

Description: Alf Goodcliff thinks you could be a craftsman of some skill and suggested you visit his friend Emerald Borings at the Craft-fair on the south side of Michel Delving.

Category: Crafting

Quest Level: 5

Hdg bestower.gif

'Have you already been to the Michel Delving Craft-fair? You should definitely go, if you haven't already! There's a workbench, a forge, and even an oven just waiting to be used!

'If you think you have crafting in your heart, you should visit my friend Emerald Borings at the Craft-fair -- she's always happy to help someone get started making useful and pretty things.

'Pass east through Little Delving, and then follow the path south into Michel Delving. Take the south-west path from the statue of Marcho and Blanco in the town centre, and pass the stables on your right. Take the next left turn to reach the Craft Fair. Emerald will be happy to help you out!'