Quest:Michel Delving's Youngest Seamstress

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Quest: Michel Delving's Youngest Seamstress

Description: Marigold Twospade has asked you to bring her some minor tailoring-lore so she can learn the trade.

Category: Crafting

Quest Level: 10

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'I'm trying to learn how to sew and knit and make clothing out of leather and cloth and fabric, but no one is willing to teach me! It's so very maddening!

'If you happen to obtain any minor tailoring-lore, could you give it to me? If no one will teach me, how am I supposed to learn?

'I found a few old tablets in the South Fields that I'd be willing to give you if you helped me out, and maybe I could find one or two other useful things as well!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Worn Tablet Fragment

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Leather Pads

Unknown icon.png Bronze Hilt