Quest:Message to Taylor Green

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Quest: Message to Taylor Green

Description: Earur wishes to aid the people of Archet and believes that there are enough supplies to begin the rebuilding process. To ensure that supplies do not dwindle too quickly he directed you to visit Taylor Green at the Combe Lumber Yard.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 7

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'Supplies here in Archet are limited and will certainly not suffice to repair the damage wrought upon the village. Now that I have my tools, I will be able to begin shoring the fences and repairing the buildings where I can.

'Archet will need more lumber if it is to recover completely from this attack. If you find yourself in Combe, to the south, seek out Taylor Green and let him know that I will need another order of wood from the lumber yard.

'If you've not been there before, listen well. The Combe Lumber Yard can be found by following the road south. Pass through the gate toward Combe and follow the road east up the hill. It will bend softly to the north east towards the Chetwood. There, in a soft dip before the North Chetwood you should find Taylor Green.'