Quest:Lord of the Gertheryg

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Quest: Lord of the Gertheryg

Description: You fought the trolls of Urugarth but the leader of the Gertheryg remains a threat.

Category: Carn Dûm

Quest Level: 50

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'I can see why Hwati sent you all the way up here to help us. You did good back there against the trolls but you've more work to do.

'The Gertheryg of Carn Dûm are commanded by a vile fiend called Barashal. You must return and slay him.

'Barashal won't go down without a fight, so be sure to rest up before you head out west into Carn Dûm.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Ríadhranc

Unknown icon.png Táni's Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Thenidranc

Unknown icon.png Barashal's Doom

Unknown icon.png Methgrist