Quest:Lalia's Safe Passage

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Quest: Lalia's Safe Passage

Description: You've come across a very frightened Hobbit girl, Lalia, on the Barrow-downs. She's asked for your help in getting back to Bree and her father, Bob, who works for Barliman Butterbur at the Prancing Pony.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 16

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'I came here to find "The Last Prince," like Mr. Butterbur talks about in his stories. I was going to find him, and then be with him forever and be his princess! But he wasn't here to be found! There's just all these skeletons and bones and walking dead! It isn't nice to go misleading young hobbits like that!

'When you are ready to go, could you help me get back home to Bree? I couldn't leave before, but now with a strong warrior like you here, I'm sure you can get me home safely!

'Oh, and I lost my cloak. I simply must find it or dad will yell at me something terrible!'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Guardian of Lalia

Unknown icon.png Defender of Lalia

Unknown icon.png Lalia's Champion