Quest:Intro: Amdir's Request

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Quest: Intro: Amdir's Request

Description: After rescuing you from the Blackwold brigands and a mysterious Black Rider, the Ranger Amdir brought you to the village of Archet in the Chetwood, east of Bree-town. The town, under threat of attack, prepares a defence against the Blackwolds.

Category: Introduction

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 1

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'Gracious, just look where they want me to stay! This is nothing like home. And they say I can't go home until those Blackwold fellows are dealt with. This is outrageous!

'Well, I don't need you hanging about now, bothering me. Go talk to that Amdir fellow. He's sitting just south of here.

'I've no interest in sharing my troubles with the likes of you. Now leave me be!'

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'Oh, hello there! You are the one who came with that Ranger, Amdir, the other night, aren't you? What a tale he told of your adventure. You must be quite brave!

'Oh, don't mind my blather! I think Amdir wanted to speak with you. Last I saw him, he was resting on the ground just south of here, around the corner of the big building there.

'He looked awfully pale. That hurt he took must be worse than it looked.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Cloth Gloves

Unknown icon.png Leather Gauntlets