Quest:Horses for Hire

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Quest: Horses for Hire

Description: Cam Applewood works on a horse-farm called Hengstacer in the Bree-fields. He was approached by a dwarf who wanted to hire some horses for an expedition.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 15

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hullo, there. If you're here about our horses, I'm afraid we don't loan them out to just anyone. These horses are built for speed, not heavy labour. In fact, that reminds of something.

'A dwarf came to the farm and requested some horses. Not sure what he intended to do with them, but by the looks of him he needed some pack animals. I told him that our horses weren't for hire, and he left in a huff.

'Seemed a bit peculiar, he did not seem quite right in the head. If you have time, perhaps you can check up on the old fellow. I saw him wander off to the ruins south-east of here.'